“L’esperienza ci ha dimostrato che la tratta non può essere fermata con l’uso della forza e che i blocchi navali servono unicamente a renderla più profittevole e crudele” — J. H. Hammond, mercante di schiavi
james Henry Hammond (1807 – 1864) governatore del South Carolina (1842_1844)
“Credo fermamente”; disse, “che la schiavitù Americana non solo non è peccato, ma è espressamente comandata da Dio per bocca di Mosé, e approvata da Cristo attraverso i suoi apostoli”.
Un giorno si s coprì che Hammond aveva violentato quattro nipotine, minorenni. E alcune schiave, una delle quali poteva essere sua figlia.
Hammond was also known to have repeatedly raped two female slaves, one of whom may have been his own daughter. He raped the first slave, Sally Johnson, when she was 18 years old.[2] Such behavior was not uncommon among white men of power at the time; their mixed-race children were born into slavery and remained there unless the fathers took action to free them.[13] Later, Hammond raped Sally Johnson’s daughter, Louisa, who was a year old baby when he bought her mother; the first rape apparently occurred when Louisa was 12; she also bore several of his children.