Foto Riccardo Antimiani/LaPresse/POOL Ansa 18 febbraio 2021 Roma, Italia Politica Camera - Voto di fiducia su governo Draghi Nella foto: Mario Draghi Photo Riccardo Antimiani/LaPresse/POOL Ansa February 18, 2021 Rome (Italy) Politics Chamber of Deputies - Vote of confidence on Draghi's government the pic: Mario Draghi Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi adjust his face mask as he waits at the lower Chamber of Deputies prior to a confidence vote on his new government, Rome, Italy, 18 February Camera – Voto di fiducia su governo Draghi Sizes: 150 × 150 / 300 × 158 / 768 × 403 / 1.024 × 538 / 600 × 315 / 175 × 131 / 952 × 500 / 45 × 45 / 1.200 × 630